Rep. Kevin Mullin Appointed to 'House Committee on Energy and Commerce'

"As the 119th Congress begins, Sophomore Democratic Congressman, Kevin Mullin (CA-15) announces his appointment to serve on the 'House Energy and Commerce Committee.'
The Committee has the broadest jurisdiction of any standing committee in Congress, impacting a broad array of industries in California’s 15th Congressional District, which includes parts of San Mateo and San Francisco Counties and serves as an economic engine for much of the nation.
Industries under the Committee’s jurisdiction include healthcare, climate and environmental protections, energy, telecommunications, technology, consumer protection, as well as interstate and foreign commerce.
Rep. Mullin has an impressive record of championing climate resilience, supporting innovation, and advocating for working families – a legacy which he plans to build on while serving on one of the oldest and most influential committees in the U.S. House."
To read more of Congressman Kevin Mullin's
press release, please click here.